Friday, February 23rd, 2018

Join PBS America this March as they take a close look at the shocking 1945 election which saw sitting Prime Minister Winston Churchill lose his job in a surprise Labour victory.

In 1945, it seemed a foregone conclusion to commentators and politicians alike that the man who had led the Allies to victory over the Nazis would be returned to Downing Street following the General Election – and yet, when the results came in, they indicated a landslide Labour victory and ‘The British Bulldog’ was out of a job.

The documentary programme Winston Churchill: Winning the War, Losing the Peace delves into this shocking political upset to reveal what happened, and why the country chose to vote for change.

Winton Churchill: Winning the Peace, Losing the War premieres on PBS America on Thursday 1 March at 9pm.

PBS America airs on Freeview 94, Freesat 155, Virgin Media 276 and Sky 534.


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