Friday, February 2nd, 2018

A new family drama series is being developed by E! Entertainment, inspired by the life of Los Angeles DJ Yesi Ortiz.

Ortiz has been known as The Voice of LA for the past decade on Los Angeles radio station Power 106, and is also a Top Talker on the CBS morning show The Talk. In the new drama series, as yet untitled, Ortiz’s sister is arrested, so she steps in to adopt her sister’s six children. She must quickly adapt to life as a 25-year-old single mother, while continuing to work hard on her career with the hopes of becoming one of the top DJs in the US.

The series will be written and executive produced by Michael Reisz, known for supernatural drama series Shadowhunters and crime drama series Unforgettable. It will also be executive produced by Eugenio Derbez and Ben Odell of 3Pas Studios, as well as John Davis and John Fox. Davis Entertainment and 3Pas Studios will produce.


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Canal Digital

Global Listings on üks väheseid meie koostööpartneritest, kes on muutnud programmi kõrghetked kasutajasõbralikeks. Need saabuvad õigeaegselt, on lühidalt kokku võetud ning sisaldavad eetrikuupäevi ja -aegu. Annan teile suurepärase hinnangu.

Discovery Networks

Discovery Networks andis Global Listingsile ülesandeks luua uus süsteem, et edastada meediale, suhtekorraldusfirmadele ja äripartneritele efektiivselt ja säästlikult kõiki oma Suurbritannia ja EMEA regiooni telekavasid ja programmi kõrghetki (nii inglise keeles kui ka tõlgitud kujul). Global Listings on meie äri hästi tundma õppinud ning neil on tekkinud meie kohalike EMEA piirkonna kontoritega tugev ja efektiivne suhe.