Monday, April 17th, 2017

Universal Orlando has unveiled its newest attraction: ‘Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon’. Based on NBC’s Tonight Show, the 3D simulator ride takes visitors on a race through the Big Apple against host Jimmy Fallon.

The grand opening included a ticker tape parade with a Tonight Show float, featuring Jimmy Fallon, house band The Roots and announcer Steve Higgins.

Fallon said: “I’m happy. I’m grateful. I’m excited. This whole experience has been a real emotional rollercoaster simulator.”

The attraction also marks the introduction of a ‘Virtual Line’ experience, whereby guests are given an electronic device that will alert them when it’s their turn on the ride. Instead of standing in line, visitors will be able to enjoy the theme park while queuing virtually.


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ديلي ميل

جداول جلوبال ليستنجز الصحفية جيدة جدا وتصل دائما في الموعد المحدد

StarNet, Macedonia

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