Friday, January 19th, 2018

Syfy has announced production has started on brand new, original fantasy series The Outpost.

The series will follow Talon (played by Jessica Green) as the sole survivor of her family and her race, who sets out to avenge herself against the mercenaries who destroyed her village. Along the way, she discovers she has magical powers which she will need to use to protect herself, and to succeed in her quest.

Production has already started in Utah, and the series will air across Europe, the Middle East and Africa later in the year. Excitingly for Stargate and Stargate SG-1 fans, producer Dean Devlin (of Stargate) and show-runner Jonathan Glassner (SG-1) are already aboard as executive producers.


What the industry says about US

TV Control, Grækenland

Vi er meget glade for jeres service. Tegnbegrænsningen på event-beskrivelserne matcher vores EPG-grænser, og jeres EPG-teams svarer altid hurtigt på vores spørgsmål. Global Listings' programoversigter leveres altid til tiden, og vi modtager alle jeres kanaler i god tid inden, de går i luften. Tusind tak

E! Entertainment Television, Storbritannien og Europa

Global Listings har leveret oversættelser og EPG-oversigter til os på tværs af flere regioner i Europa og Mellemøsten i mere end syv år. Vi har oplevet dem som en meget effektiv og tillidsvækkende koncern, som altid er klar til at gå lidt længere for at sikre de korrekte oplysninger, brandspecifikke, og at alle deadlines overholdes. En sand fornøjelse at samarbejde med dem.