Bear Grylls Runs Wild with Nat Geo

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

NBCUniversal’s popular series Running Wild with Bear Grylls is coming to National Geographic this month, the channel revealed. The series will air weekly on Nat Geo from 26th October.


“No one makes adventure and survival more surprising, entertaining and informative than Bear Grylls,” said Christian Drobnyk of National Geographic Channels. “Running Wild with Bear Grylls is incredibly complimentary to our pursuit of programming and talent that support the very best of what audiences expect from National Geographic.”


The series, currently three seasons in, sees famed survivalist Grylls taking celebrities into remote locations to test their hand at extreme outdoor adventuring in the wild. Experiences include rappelling in Utah, skydiving in the Catskills and more.


Running Wild with Bear Grylls premieres on 26 October.


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