Friday, November 10th, 2017

Stevie Award Winners to be Announced in New York on November 17

Thalia Droussioti, the CEO of international media company Global Listings, has been named a Finalist in the prestigious Female Entrepreneur of the Year in Europe, the Middle East & Africa category in the 14th annual Stevie® Awards for Women in Business

The Stevie Awards are the world’s premier business awards for Women in Business and recognize the achievements of female executives, entrepreneurs and the organisations they run – worldwide.

Stevie Award winners will be announced during a gala event in New York on Friday, November 17. Nominated women executives and entrepreneurs from the USA and up to 60 countries worldwide are expected to attend. The event will be broadcast simultaneously on Livestream.

The Stevie Award trophy is one of the world’s most coveted prizes. Since 2002 the Stevie Award has been conferred for achievement in business to organisations and individuals in more than 60 nations. The finalists for this year were chosen by more than 170 professionals worldwide serving on five specialised judging committees.

Michael Gallagher, President of the Stevie Awards, said: “Every year we say that the current crop of Stevies for Women nominations couldn’t be better, and the next year we’re proven wrong! The judges’ scores and comments bear witness to the fact that this year we will honour a truly remarkable class of women and women-led organisations in New York on November 17.”

Thalia Droussioti, founder and CEO of Global Listings said: “It’s an absolute honour to be a finalist in the world’s premier business awards! I’m extremely proud that my achievements have been recognised both as a female CEO and as an entrepreneur who built up an international company from scratch in a very competitive climate. And, it’s super exciting to be considered among a group of top female executives from around the world who each also have their own success stories to tell.”

Details about the Stevie Awards for Women in Business and the list of Finalists in all categories are available at

About Global Listings
Global Listings is the worldwide leader in providing a one-stop solution to broadcasters’ content requirements. The company works strategically with broadcasters, delivering their programme information, enhanced editorial metadata, images and EPGs to the multi-screen world: cable, satellite, terrestrial, IPTV, VOD, OTT in local language and time zone. Global Listings operates in 145 countries including the UK, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Russian Federation and Asia Pacific and in 36 languages on a daily basis, with a global reach of more than 6.6 billion TV viewers. The company was launched in 2002, with its headquarters based in central London.

About the Stevie Awards
Stevie Awards are conferred in seven programmes: the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, the German Stevie Awards, The American Business Awards, The International Business Awards, the Stevie Awards for Great Employers, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Stevie Awards competitions receive more than 10,000 entries each year from organisations in more than 60 nations. Honouring organisations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognise outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide.

Learn more about the Stevie Awards at


What the industry says about US

BIKE Channel, Euroopa

BIKE on teinud Global Listingsiga koostööd alates aastast 2015. Nad on meid usaldusväärselt toetanud laienemisel nii Itaalias kui ka Suurbritannias. Mis probleem meil ka poleks - kui nende poole pöördume, pakub Global Listings ainulaadset klienditeenindust ja tehnilist tuge. Global Listingsi töötajad on on väga efektiivsed ja kiirelt reageerivad ning meil on väga hea meel nendega koostööd teha.

Scripps Networks International

Global Listingsi teenus ja tugi kõigile meie kanalitele, nii Suurbritannias kui rahvusvaheliselt, on olnud aastate jooksul hindamatu väärtusega. Teie pakutav teenus on olnud veatu ja erakordselt usaldusväärne, alati tipptasemel – isegi siis, kui me ise näeme kurja vaeva, et meie poolt kõik toimiks!