Global Listings提供準確和配合限期的服務,我們十分滿意他們為我們Sky電子節目時間表平台提供的節目表。
Fashion TV, UK and Europe
Singtel, Far East
國際Media-Press TV, International
你們所有電子節目時間表都準確和準時。而且節目的改動都清楚和準時地告訴我們。在我們道收到的所有電子節目時間表中,我們認為Global Listings是其中一個最好的。
Mediaset Premium, Italy
Global Listings提供出色的服務。
Comstar Direct, Russia
ESPN Classic的主要使命是在任何時間和地點為運動愛好者服務,將我們的節目表本地化是促成這使命的重要貢獻。Global Listings證實是有質素的資源,能夠令這使命成真
ESPN Classic, Europe
新西蘭Sky Television, New Zealand
我們推出新頻道到中歐和東歐時便與Global Listings合作。他們服務的水準,對修改節目表的快速回應,以及積極主動地預早取得節目和精選節目資料,都給我們留下深刻的印象。我們擴展新市場時,一定會考慮再使用他們的服務!
NBC Universal Global Networks, Central and Eastern Europe
Invitel, Hungary
Global Listings提供十分好的電子節目時間表服務。
T-Kabel, Hungary
Global Listings的印刷時間表十分好。雖然我們在電視指南只有很少空間,但對我們仍然很有用。你們的特寫文件和印刷報告也讓我們可以很好地決定特別報導甚麼電視節目。
我們很滿意Global Listings提供的服務。公司的職員很能幹,很快便回答問題。資料以正確的形式提供,很容易融入我們的系統。
德國 Deutsche Mailbox, Germany
Universal Networks International的頻道品牌為亞洲觀眾提供多元化娛樂。Global Listings提供一條龍的電子節目時間表和網頁資料肯定可以豐富觀眾的欣賞經驗。
NBC Universal Global Networks, Asia Pacific
匈牙利TV Mustra, Hungary
Global Listings在過去超過七年都為我們在歐洲和中東多個地區提供翻譯和電子節目時間表。我們發覺他們十分有效率和可靠,總是預備做額外的工作,確保列出正確的資料,與眾不同,並能夠在所有限期前完成。與他們合作實在是樂趣。
E! Entertainment Television, UK and Europe
荷蘭 Omroep, Netherlands
MAXtv, Croatia
Global Listings的服务和支持覆盖我们的所有渠道,无论是英国,还是其他地区。他们的服务堪称完美,而且非常可靠,所带给我们的价值也很难用金钱来衡量。有了他们的帮助,即使是在忙碌之中,我们的工作也可以有条不紊地开展。
Scripps Networks International
Global Listings的印刷節目時間表十分好。謝謝你們。
我們給你們 的主要內容A等!!!!
南非Media24, South Africa
我們從Global Listings收到的節目資料是清楚、寫得很好和總是準時到達的。公司的職員很能夠幫助我們,每當我們有疑問,他們都很快給予回應。實在是十分專業的隊伍
自从Insight TV在2015年10月推出第一个节目后,Global Listings便是我们信任和可靠的伙伴,处理我们所有电子节目指南和新闻精选节目服务。他们的团队友善、尽责和明白我们业务的需要,这对我们这个在线性电视巿场中新兴和正在成长的频道是十分重要的。我们十分珍惜这关系,期望在推出新节目,扩展我们在全球的业务时继续与他们合作
Insight, International
Global Listings有十分緊密的隊伍和各種相闗專長的完美組合。絕對適合我們。
FOX International Channels
丹麥 Bureau, Denmark
Global Listings提供十分好的電子節目時間表服務,包括複雜的系列連結。
Sky Italia, Italy
Global Listings一貫地為我們的平台提供十分好的電子節目時間表服務。
OTE, Greece
丹麥Aller TV
我们的公司每天监察营销情况,这样便可以在短时间内改变时间表。与Global listings合作时,这样变得很容易。他们凡事皆可能的态度表示我们不会被官僚作风或僵化的服务协议妨碍 我们作出改变,他们则做一切艰难的工作…很好的服务!
Tristar Products, UK
土耳其DSmart, Turkey
我們從Global Listings收到的節目時間表都非常好,他給我們這些出版商提供的整體服務也相當好。
我們從Global Listings收到的節日時間表值得『出色』這個評分。我們十分滿意Global Listings給我雜誌的整體服務。你們的團隊總是十分有效率和擅於溝通。如果我們有任何疑問,你們都很快和很有效率地處理。
了不起的团队和专业的服务。Global Listings对Ketchup TV带来很好的影响,大大帮助了我们的业务。GL的自由观看电子节目指南管理服务对我们的观众数目产生实时的正面影响
VOD365, UK
Global Listings提供高质素、非常有效和响应快捷的一站式节目时间表服务 – 而且价钱十分相宜。与他们合作令人十分高兴,我很高兴我们转用他们的服务,我的主要电视联络人也是这样
PBS America, UK
Global Listings在發放電子節目時間表方面提供十分有效率的服務,根據我們的要求成功建立了電子節目時間表的檔案。
Digital Plus, Spain
多年来,Global Listings一直服务于我们的所有市场,包括英国。他们的团队总是能够提供专业、细致、及时准确的服务,大大提高了我们工作的透明度和效率,让我们在日益激烈的电视行业竞争中游刃有余,确保我们能够履行对平台合作伙伴、联播电台和媒体的承诺。而且,无论出现什么问题,GL都会与我们携手解决。
A+E Networks
Global Listings每個月都提供高效率和可靠的服務,與他們的職員交往是一件樂事。對我來說,他們與其他公司的分別在於他們不斷思考,想出新主意精簡和改善 他們的服務。在出現了時間表上的問題時,我知道我可以倚賴Global Listings幫助我找出解決方法,是能夠令每個人都滿意的
Nickelodeon, UK and Europe
我們完全滿意Global Listings的服務:節目時間表編排得很好,井井有條,節目的改變都清楚地標明。節目時間表是預早交給我們,這對我們的應付印刷限期是很大的幫助。我們也滿意時間表的質素,我們有任何疑問時,他們也很快和很有效率地處理。Global Listings的職員用也又友善。
DStv, Africa
Alacast, Kazakhstan
適時發送高質素的電視節目時間表和在報刊刊登的主要內容的翻譯是巨大的挑戰,不容低估,但我們知道Global Listings是我們可以信賴的伙伴,他們能夠提供這些資料,符合我們的期望。
Viasat Broadcasting
Orbit Showtime, Middle East
Content Asia, Singapore
我們很滿意從Global Listings收到的節日時間表。那些文件十分清晰,有齊所有需要的資料,而且內容都是最新的。
Global Listings的职员在应付混乱的电视环境方面是坚定的盟友 ,他们的专业、准确和礼貌,令与他们合作成为一大乐趣
Red Bull Media House, International
Vectra, Poland
Global Listings是BBC十分出色的伙伴,我們很喜歡與他們在中東合作。這對我們是正在增長的地區,我們以正確的語言,正確的形式,為本地市場提供準確的資料是十分重要的。我們相信Global Listings為BBC的全球新聞提供一流的結果,我們期望與他們建立緊密的關係。
BBC World News, UK and Middle East
Canal Digital, Norway
就品質、效率和服務水準而言,Global Listings是藍螞蟻媒體的最佳供應商。 一家真正傑出的企業
Global Listings的服務是出色的。
盧森堡 Infomedia, Luxembourg
Global Listings提供十分好的服務。
Fibernet, Hungary
Global Listings的印刷節目時間表十分有用,有齊我們要求的資料。我認為這些文件十分出色。
意大利 Jupiter Communications, Italy
冰島SkjarHeimur, Iceland
Global Listings為KidsCo提供極有效率和專業的服務。我們與Global Listings擴展成全球的合作,顯示我們在國際擴展,深入廣播市場。我們需要一個伙伴,是明白門的品牌信息,也可以各方面配合的。Global Listings從一開始便與我們合作,我們不單一起成長,他們的團隊也幫助我們邁向全球。
KidsCo, Central & Eastern Europe, Africa, Middle East & Asia Pacific
MultiChoice, Africa
YouSee, Denmark
Global Listings的電子節目時間表和節目資料服務都十分出色。我們準時收到節目表、特寫和電子節目時間表檔案,沒有任何問題。
Dialog Television, Asia – for Hong Kong, India and Sri Lanka
每日郵報和星期日郵報 (總讀者人數達8百80萬) Global Listings的節目時間表十分好,而且總是準時送到。每日郵報 Global Listings的節目時間表服務令我們很滿意。我們也使用你們每週/每月的精彩內容和節目改變文件。那服務十分好。星期日郵報
Global Listings是與我們合作的公司中,少數真的能夠令主要內容容易使用的其中一間。那些主要內容總是準時送到,有主要內容的簡短描述,而且總是包括播放日期和時間。我認為你們非常好。
Canal Digital
芬蘭Canal Digital, Finland
Toya, Poland
電視節目週刊,讀者人數多達650萬 非常好。
Canal Satellite, France
NG Broadcasting, Digital Terrestrial TV Operator, Asia
TV Cabo, Portugal
英國TV Choice/Total TV Guide, H Bauer Publishing, UK
HFC, Hungary
Global Listings提供十分好的電子節目時間表服務。
Antenna Hungaria, Hungary
我們很滿意Global Listings為我們平台提供的電子節目時間表。
YES!, Israel
与Global Listings合作最好的是我们不用担心我们的电子节目指南。无论来源档案多么零散和延迟发放,我们都可以肯定电子节目指南会准时和完好地送到我们的附属公司
Viacom International Media Networks
Global Listings的服務十分好。
塞爾維亞Radio SID, Serbia
塞爾維亞和黑山 MarCon, Serbia and Montenegro
在競爭越來越激烈的歐洲電視市場,成功的頻道能夠幫助觀眾根據節目表作出明智的選擇。我們很高興與頂尖的機構合作,它幫助客戶傳送節目表,並改善對顧客、記者和平台擁有人的服務。Global Listings勝任有餘,在準確性和可靠性方面,它都出類拔萃
ESPN Classic, UK and Europe
IKOM, Serbia
Glashart Media, Netherlands
南非TVPlus, South Africa
Global Listings的服務的一切都十分出色!非常感謝你們。
PrimeTel, Cyprus
Global Listings提供很好的節目資料。你們的服務總是非常好。
AKADO-Stolitsa, Moscow
我們十分滿意你們的服務。事件描述的字數配合我們電子節目時間表的限制,你們的電子節目時間表團隊總是很快回應我們的問題。Global Listings的節目時間表總是準時送到,我們總是在節目遠未播出前收到各個頻道的時間表。十分感謝。
希臘 TV Control, Greece
我們對Global Listings 十分滿意,認為你們的主要內容非常好。
匈牙利Red Lemon Média, Hungary
我們從Global Listings收到的印刷時間表都十分出色。
波蘭 Dobra Communications, Poland
Global Listings的節目表編排得很好,容易使用,節目資料總是[齊備,我們不用催迫他們。在更新節目方面也是這樣,總是與宣傳一起出現。節目表準時送達,而且水 準穩定。正如每一個節目表經理都會告訴你,準時和資料齊備對我們的業務是必不可少的,Global Listings肯定能夠提供這樣的服務。
與Global Listings合作的愉快的。我們收到的所有節目資料都十分準確,也對應電視播放的節目。我們總是準時收到資料。如果我們有疑問,總很快得到回覆。
StarNet, Macedonia
Discovery Networks Europe在2002年委託Global Listings創造新的常駐系統,有效率和符合成本效益地向傳媒、公關公司和商業伙伴(以英語和其他翻譯)發放它所有歐洲節目時間表和精選節目介紹。 Global Listings對我們的業務有深入的了解,它的團隊與DNE EMEA的媒體辦公室建立了牢固和積極主動的關係。他們努力建立系統,配合我們在業務上的優先次序,在短短六個月內,我們與Global Listings的合作以及那些新系統便令整個EMEA的節目資料在質量和效率方面都大大提高
Discovery Networks
德國Apfel Programm Marketing
Global Listings的服務是出色的。
國際 SDI, International
我們同時採用Global Listings的印刷時間表(以Word形式)和他們的XML檔案。他們對節目的描述相當好,又不會太長,這是很有用的。我們完全使用他們預備的文本,直接加入到我們的資料庫。
瑞典 TT Spektra
Global Listings為我們提供大力支援,是一個很棒的商業夥伴。 我們的合作非常愉快。
UPC, Hungary
我們從Global Listings收到的電子節目時間表真的十分好。
DSMART, Turkey
Global Listings的節目時間表服務令我們很滿意。我們也使用你們每週/每月的精彩內容和節目改變文件。那服務十分好
我們的頻道增長得很快,所以我們尋找可靠的節目表公司,以準確、翻譯得好的節目表支持我們。歐洲國家地理頻道現在在超過40個國家播放,Global Listings向這些國家,以包括英語在內的12種語言為我們編製、翻譯和供應節目時間表。他們免除我們的麻煩,讓我們為市場提供質素最好的服務
National Geographic, UK and Europe
我在Universal以及更近期在London Live工作时都与Global Listings合作。他们十分专业,很快地发放我们每个月的精选节目,而且总是很快回应任何问题。我一定会推荐他们给别人
London Live, UK
俄羅斯 Red Media, Russia
我會給Global Listings的電子節目時間表服務和們發送的檔案『出色』這評分。請繼續你們的良好服務!
B.net, Croatia
KDG, Germany
捷克共和國 Satplus, Czech Republic
我們很滿意Global Listings的報章主要內容服務。那些主要內容的文檔總是十分清晰和有用!因此非常好。
希臘Nova, Greece
Global Listings應該稱為容易Listings - 它們令我們在Extreme的生活變得容易得多
Extreme Sports, UK and Europe
Global Listings以正確的形式發放電子節目時間表,在時間性和更新方面都符合我們的要求。
Freesat, UK
電視節目週刊,讀者人數多達298萬 非常好。
我們發覺Global Listings關於報章的重要內容服務十分好。我們實際上直接在網頁使用PDF檔案。
荷蘭Glashart Media, The Netherlands
與Global Listings合作實在很好。他們很能夠幫助我們,對問題也給予積極回應─提供我們需要的所有資料。由於我們剛加入市場,有很多問題。但他們能夠將事情妥善處理,在我們有需要時幫助我們。我們的業務合作簡直天衣無縫。
Inspiration Network International (INI), USA and UK
我们真的欣赏与Global Listings的关系。他们的团队在发放准确的电子节目指南方面十分出色,对我们每个要求都灵活处理;我们十分感激
WWE, International
The TV schedules that we receive from Global Listings are very useful. We publish listings on our TV Guide pages, so we have no complaints. We are also very happy with your press service in general.
南非Mortimer Harvey, South Africa (廣告代理)
Global Listings 在Horse & Country TV在瑞典建立频道业务时是我们的策略性伙伴。他们确保我们任何时候都为发行商提供全面、准确和专业的服务。他们清楚明白我们的业务优先次序,并显示他们乐意和能够支持我们实现这些目标。他们很快响应我们,并完成工作,这在我们和他们身上都清楚反映出来,也令我们的顾客高兴。与Global Listings团队合作是一大乐趣,我毫不犹疑地推荐他们
Horse & Country TV, Europe
十分好。內容和合作都非常了不起。與其他公司比較,Global Listings真的十分出色,特別是他們很清楚地呈現精彩部分和時間表。
波蘭APLUSC, Poland
MultiChoice, Africa
Global Listings的電子節目時間表服務十分出色。我們從你們公司收到的資料檔案也十分出色。十分感謝!
UPdigital, Portugal
Global Listings肯定是和我們合作的其中一個最好的節目時間表提供者;他們我們的顧客提供高質素的資料,改進他們觀賞電視的經驗。
Sky TV, UK
南非MultiChoice, South Africa
Global Listings是將我們所有的電子節目指南資料傳送到賽普勒斯電視平臺的國際專家
BIKE 自从2015年开始便与Global Listings合作。他们可靠地支持我们继续在恴大利和英国发展。无论有甚么问题,无论我们甚么时候需要他们,Global Listings都提供很好的客户服务和技术支援
BIKE Channel, Europe
Current Vacancies
Global Listings is recruiting for EXPERT staff
(Full-time / Part-time / Freelance):
Click on job title to read more
Managing Editor
We are currently seeking a highly experienced full-time Managing Editor to work across all areas of the business: a worldwide account portfolio.
This is a senior position within a global editorial company that specialises in the production of first-class programme information in terms of accuracy and editorial quality. The job holder will have extensive experience operating in an editorial, TV-related environment and have a proven track record in setting and maintaining high editorial standards as well as managing staff, launching new accounts and delivering to agreed deadlines / budgets and in creating new business opportunities within our product portfolio.
The job-holder will be a self-starter, with the ability to work alone with a high degree of self-motivation as well as being an effective team leader / manager and team player. Core to the job is a passion for digital television and editorial excellence as well as an extensive knowledge of the television information market in the UK and internationally, coupled with a proven track record in establishing and maintaining excellent client relationships.
A detailed knowledge of the TV market, including the TV platforms – linear and VOD – and latest technological developments and the workings of the TV listings industry at large in the UK and beyond, is essential.
We are looking for someone who’s hungry for a new challenge, and who has a minimum of five years’ experience in a similar role. We want someone who’s cut their teeth in the world of publishing and journalism, someone who can spot a typo from several miles away and someone for whom accuracy, efficiency and time management are mantras.
You’ll be fully aware of databases and will also be technically savvy, as well as being aware of the essential nature of production plans and deadlines – not just for the press but for clients and TV platforms too – and you’ll be prepared to pull out all the stops to make sure these are always met. Global Listings prides itself on being a technologically advanced giant within its field, in never having missed a single deadline and on exceeding its clients’ expectations.
You will need to be a highly competent manager and people person as you’ll need to manage and motivate an editorial team to deliver the very best at all times. Likewise, you must be an experienced and capable communicator when it comes to liaising with clients – and be full of ideas of how we can add value to our client base.
You will need to have an outlook that there’s always room for improvement and be looking for ways to make our internal processes more efficient: maximising productivity and minimising waste.
Above all, you’ll ensure that we continue to be the No.1 in everything we do – and that includes having a visionary approach to the company’s growth and future potential.
You will be able to work at executive level: alongside the Managing Director, Finance Director and CEO.
Specifically, you will have commercial acumen and be able to compile strategic business proposals by following client briefs to the letter and / or responding to tender requests and RFPs or RFIs.
First-rate communication skills, a highly efficient and organised approach and the ability to focus on detail, while maintaining an eye on the bigger picture and progressing the company vision, are all core competencies for this job.
Strategic Objectives – worldwide
• Strategic communications and building of solid and lasting relationships with our clients and stakeholders as well as the TV industry at large
• To create distinctiveness and excellent PR for GL products and services (internally within our teams and externally within our client base and the TV industry at large)
• To drive new product development and to develop and direct / manage the GL team alongside this
• Management Experience
• Commercial Acumen
• Technological Literacy
• Editorial Excellence
• Accuracy Obsessed
• Passion for TV + good TV genre knowledge
• Excellent communications
• Ability to multi-task
• Hard work ethos
• A second language is an advantage
We work strategically with broadcasters, on an international level, delivering their EPGs to the multi-screen world: IPTV, VOD, OTT, satellite, cable, terrestrial
Our TV Clients and Partners include:
– Sky TV
– Freeview
– Freesat
– Sony
– NBC Universal
– Bloomberg
Our products and services reach 6.6 billion TV viewers worldwide and we operate in 26 different time zones and 36 languages
Applications will only be considered if they include all of the following:
1. A covering letter that tells us why we should schedule an interview with you (taking the above job spec into consideration) as well as how many years’ experience you have within the job that you are applying for
2. A current CV
3. Details of your current or most recent salary
4. Indication of your availability (e.g. four weeks’ notice)
5. Please also highlight in your application if you have a second language, name the language and specify whether you are:
• Fluent-Advanced
• Semi-Advanced
• Basic
To apply please submit the above 4/5 items (and ensure that the email subject field contains the name of the role you’re applying for) to:
Business Development Manager – Translations
Key requirements:
A rare and exciting opportunity has arisen for a Direct Sales Manager to join the UK team at Global Listings. Reporting to the CEO.
Global Listings is a successful international company, with an unparalleled client base and a prominent position in its marketplace. Global Listings is a company which is regarded as ‘best in class’ in what it does and attracts the top TV channels and TV platforms in the industry, UK and internationally. Global Listings specialises in the production and delivery of accurate TV programme information, on behalf of major TV networks and TV platforms. The company has been operating since 2002 and its products and services are distributed to 145 countries globally and in 36 languages including English.
You must be ready to hit the ground running within our fast-paced and dynamic environment and have an enthusiastic approach to day-to-day tasks, whilst consistently delivering new revenue streams and driving profit margins up.
Key to the role:
Strong sales skills are a prerequisite. You will ideally come from a strong sales background in the translation sector and be a highly motivated business development manager with a strong sense of developing and maintaining excellent relationships with clients. Our company mantra is based on the fact that we always aim to exceed our clients’ expectations.
The Role:
· Manage translation business development activities for the company, driving sales activities and the acquisition of new business
· Develop a full understanding of GL’s translation services and USPs
· Seek opportunities for business development for Global Listings’ translation services
· Identify, cultivate and convert tangible new business leads into actual sales for the company
· Cold-call leads and set up introductory meetings
· Work with the Directors to plan new business proposals and pricing strategies
· Fully responsible for heading up GL’s expansion into new translation markets and with new clients
· Instrumental in devising and implementing the strategy for meeting translation sales performance targets
· Attend events and conferences to network and gain information on market trends and competitors in the translation market
· Generate reports and prepare presentations for sales prospects and senior management
· Identify new methods and opportunities for sales campaigns and implementation thereafter
· Ensure that translation sales targets are met / exceeded
· Visit potential customers for new business and provide timely progress reports per meeting
· Providing customers with quotations
· Negotiating the terms of an agreement and closing the sales
· Recording sales and sending copies of sales performance reports to Operations and Finance
· Reviewing your own sales performance monthly and providing a report to the Executive Team
Experience required:
· Proven business development manager experience in the field of translations, who is used to working to targets and also has their own contacts book
· Proven track record in sales, business development and winning new business
· Proven track record of increasing revenue through the generation and pursuit of leads
· A demonstrable knowledge of the translation market
· Ability to work on your own whilst delivering the desired results
· Show an understanding of the challenges facing the industry at present and illustrate a knowledge of the operational attention to detail that will be required to succeed within the industry
Skills and qualities:
· Excellent communication skills
· A confident and determined approach
· Resilience – and the ability to cope with rejection
· Self-motivation and drive
· A competitive streak
Good aptitude, attention to detail, commitment, patience, excellent command of the English language, both written and verbal, as you will be dealing with multinational companies.
You must have excellent knowledge and practical use of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. Other knowledge of Microsoft programs is a bonus.
Further information:
Your working week will be Monday-Friday, 10am-6pm.
Applications will only be considered if they include all of the following:
1. A covering letter that tells us why we should schedule an interview with you (taking the above job spec into consideration) as well as how many years’ experience you have within the job that you are applying for
2. A current CV
3. Details of your current or most recent salary
4. Indication of your availability (e.g. four weeks’ notice)
To apply please submit the above four items (and ensure that the email subject field contains the name of the role you’re applying for) to:
Editorial Assistant Internship
1. Hours of work: 35 per week / full-time
2. Salary is £TBC per year
3. Length of Internship: 12 months in total – subject to a successful 6 month probationary period
4. Role Type: Editorial
5. Contract type: Temporary
6. You would gain skills in:
– Editorial
– Production
– Client liaison
– Quality control
– Meeting deadlines
– IT: email, Macintosh computers, Word, Excel etc
– Communications
– Admin
This placement would suit students of:
– Media
– Journalism
– English Language
We’re looking for an intern to work as an Editorial Assistant in our tight, efficient team.
This job requires all-round editorial skills, including: writing, sub-editing and proofreading. Accuracy of copy is critical, as is the ability to multi-task and deliver to strict deadlines.
You must be able to work as a team player as well as autonomously.
The position offers the chance to learn all aspects of TV listings worldwide, while taking on real responsibility for important big brand TV channel accounts with high-profile broadcasting networks.
If this job spec grabs you and sounds like you, get in touch with us now!
• Editorial excellence
• An obsession for accuracy
• Passion for TV + good TV genre knowledge
• Excellent communications
• Hard work ethos
• A second language is an advantage
We work strategically with broadcasters, on an international level, delivering their EPGs to the multi-screen world: IPTV, VOD, OTT, satellite, cable, terrestrial
Our TV Clients and Partners include:
– Sky TV
– Freeview
– Freesat
– Sony
– NBC Universal
– Bloomberg
Our products and services reach 6.6 billion TV viewers worldwide and we operate in 26 different time zones and 36 languages
Applications will only be considered if they include all of the following:
1. A covering letter that tells us why we should schedule an interview with you (taking the above job spec into consideration) as well as how many years’ experience you have within the job that you are applying for
2. A current CV
3. Details of your current or most recent salary
4. Indication of your availability (e.g. four weeks’ notice)
5. Please also highlight in your application if you have a second language, name the language and specify whether you are:
• Fluent-Advanced
• Semi-Advanced
• Basic
To apply please submit the above four items (and ensure that the email subject field contains the name of the role you’re applying for) to:
About Global Fashion Translations
A world leader in translations, providing a one-stop linguistic house for fashion brands
Operating in 145 countries and 36 languages
Working with 700+ fashion brands
Reaching 6.6 billion consumers worldwide
GLOBAL FASHION: TRANSLATIONS offers its clients a tailor-made editorial localisation solution aimed at delivering customers per market and on a global basis
TESTIMONIAL: Fashion TV, International
“Our brand appeals to everyone interested in fashion, style, beauty and trends – internationally… we needed a translation-localisation expert partner that understands and caters to our global audience; we have found our partner and we are extremely happy.”
Read all about us here:
Please see below for full details regarding the internship position.
You will be based at Global Fashion Translations’ (GFT) London headquarters:
Global Fashion Translations, 11th Floor, 15 St Botolph Street, London EC3A 7BB
1. Hours of work:
35 / full-time (Monday-Friday, 10am-6pm)
2. Number of internships
3. Salary
£17,000 per year
4. Length of Internship:
12 months in total – subject to a successful 6-month probationary period
5. Role Type:
Marketing / PR / Account Management / Projects Management / International Team management and admin
6. Contract type:
Fixed term
7. What will the internship offer and what will you learn while you are at Global Listings?
You will gain skills in:
– Marketing the GFT brand
– Conducting all PR related activities for the GFT brand
– Client liaison with fashion brands
– Managing Translation Projects (all languages for fashion brands)
– Quality control of projects
– Meeting account deadlines for fashion brands
– Managing each international team of translators (per language / per project / per fashion brand)
– IT: email, Mac computers, MS Office, design layout etc
– Translation processes
– Account holding/management
– Fashion knowledge (would be an asset)
– Communications
– Researching fashion brands (daily task)
– Database training and usage
– Excellent organisation
– Booking meetings (all requirements)
– Admin
– Teamwork
– Working directly with the CEO and Executive Management Team
This placement would suit graduates of:
– Fashion
– Media
– Journalism
– English / Languages
8. Main duties of internship
Purpose of the Job
To work across all requirements of GFT. Marketing / PR Account Management / Project Management / International Team Management and Admin.
You will need to be able to take instruction and run with it whilst being meticulous with a sharp eye for detail and extremely efficient.
A key responsibility of this role involves carrying out GFT’s marketing strategy by researching fashion brands on a daily basis and reaching out to the relevant contacts. It is important to be thorough in this process to ensure you have collated all the accurate details. Telecommunication skills are helpful to clearly verify the information gathered.
You will also be involved in increasing Global Fashion Translations’ exposure and introducing its services to brands, such as via email marketing and by creating personalised GFT press packs which are to be delivered promptly. This role requires attention to detail and organisational skills to ensure tight deadlines are met.
Other duties involve maintaining and updating databases in order to document all of the relevant information that has been collated for each brand and contact. You will refer to these on a daily basis to ensure that each step of the marketing process is completed and that communication is upheld with the brands.
You will also be responsible for overseeing and managing translation projects. This includes allocating the projects to the hand-picked linguistic team for each brand; checking word counts and ensuring the project tracker plans are updated with each new project; managing the linguistic teams’ delivery back to GFT; delivering the projects to the client in line with the required deadlines; liaising with the client and answering any follow-up questions after the project has been delivered.
In addition you will be liaising on a daily basis with FASHION BRANDS, as well as our worldwide linguistic international teams, so excellent communication skills – written and verbal – are a must.
9. Candidate requirements e.g. skills, knowledge and experience
Excellent organisational and communication skills
Accuracy is a must, as is a methodical approach
A passion for fashion is ideal, although not essential
Excellent research skills with a focus on getting to the right people
Ability to multi-task and meet tight turnaround deadlines
Excellent communication skills
Structured and methodical approach
Excellent time management
General willingness to help and learn and ‘go the extra mile with a smile!’
Strong marketing awareness
10. Degree requirements e.g. degree subject or grade, UCAS points
Degree awarded from a fashion college or university (or at least a pending award) is required
11. Post-Internship Prospects
At the end of your 12-month internship, and subject to your performance and the company’s business requirements, you will most likely be offered a promotion to Senior Fashion Executive.
Applications will only be considered if they include all of the following:
1. A covering letter that tells us why we should schedule an interview with you (taking the above job spec into consideration) as well as how many years’ experience you have within the job that you are applying for
2. A current CV
3. Details of your current or most recent salary
4. Indication of your availability (e.g. four weeks’ notice)
5. Please also highlight in your application if you have a second language, name the language and specify whether you are:
• Fluent-Advanced
• Semi-Advanced
• Basic
To apply please submit the above five items (and ensure that the email subject field contains the name of the role you’re applying for) to:

Scripps Networks International
Global Listings的服务和支持覆盖我们的所有渠道,无论是英国,还是其他地区。他们的服务堪称完美,而且非常可靠,所带给我们的价值也很难用金钱来衡量。有了他们的帮助,即使是在忙碌之中,我们的工作也可以有条不紊地开展。

FOX International Channels
Global Listings有十分緊密的隊伍和各種相闗專長的完美組合。絕對適合我們。