E! Network Splashes the Cash to Keep Kardashians Until At Least 2020

Monday, November 6th, 2017

Like peanut butter and chocolate, the Kardashians and the E! Network are a match made in heaven, and it’s a combination that will be sticking around for at least another three years. The network extended its contract with the world-famous family in a deal around $100 million to ensure that series like ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ and ‘Revenge Body’ remain with exactly where they are.

E! are yet to confirm the exact figure they agreed the Kardashian-Jenners, but are very pleased to have the deal completed, stating that “we are incredibly proud of our partnership with the Kardashians and they remain an important part of the E! family. We look forward to continuing our collaboration for years to come.

With Season 14 already off to a strong start, we’ve still got plenty of years left to spend with America’s favourite family.


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