New season of Lifetime’s Breakout Docuseries, Married At First Sight, To Take Place in Boston

Friday, November 24th, 2017

The unique social experiment sees six brave singles who have been unlucky in love agree to a provocative proposal: getting legally married to a complete stranger. The couples will not meet until they walk down the aisle and see each other face-to-face, for the first time, at the altar.

Following the wedding, the series will capture each Boston-area couple’s journey from honeymoon, to moving in together, to the daily challenges they face as they get to know each other.

This season, Boston-based psychologist and professor Dr. Jessica Griffin will join regulars Dr. Pepper Schwartz and Pastor Calvin Robertson. Using scientific matchmaking, the panel of experts will join forces to create what they believe are three compatible couples, and will continue to counsel and mentor them throughout the season.

After several weeks together, each couple must make a decision: do they remain together or decide to divorce?


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