Friday, February 23rd, 2018

An epic four-part tournament will premiere on Food Network on Sunday 18 March at 9pm ET/PT. Guy’s Grocery Games: DDD All-Star Tournament, hosted by Guy Fieri, will feature the best chefs from Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, who have previously competed on Guy’s Grocery Games, hoping for victory the second time around.

Each episode of the tournament will include three rounds of challenging grocery games that will put the four talented chefs’ shopping and cooking skills to the test. Meanwhile, viewers at home can test their own skill at, before sharing their results on social media with the hashtag #GroceryGames.

The first four chefs to compete will be John Conley, ‘Panini’ Pete Blohme, Louis Remilliard and Jazz Singsanong. In the tournament premiere, they will be challenged to deliver a signature burger in just 15 minutes, before being asked to recreate top-selling dishes from their restaurants – but on a severely limited budget. Finally, they must combine classic diner meals into one single dish.

The winner from each episode will earn a spot in the finale, which will air on Sunday 8 April at 9pm ET/PT. A rotating panel of judges will oversee the games and decide who will take home the $10,000 prize each week, and who will win $20,000 in the finale.


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National Geographic, UK and Europe

Naš kanal je hitro rasel, zato smo začeli iskati podjetje, ki bi mu lahko zaupali oskrbo z natančnimi, dobro prevedenimi sporedi. National Geographic Channel Europe lahko danes spremljajo v več kot 40 državah, pri čemer Global Listings sestavlja, prevaja in dobavlja sezname TV-sporedov tem državam v 12 različnih jezikih, vključno z angleškim. Global Listings nam je pregnal glavobole, mi pa na svojih tržiščih opravljamo storitve vrhunske kakovosti.

Horse & Country TV, Europe

Global Listings je ključni strateški partner za televizijo Horse & Country TV, ko gradimo prisotnost svojega kanala na Švedskem. Poskrbijo, da svojim distributerjem vedno priskrbimo izčrpne, natančne in profesionalne storitve. Dobro razumejo naše poslovne prioritete in pokazali so se voljni in sposobni podpirati nas pri izpolnjevanju le-teh. Hitro se odzovejo in dostavijo izdelke, kar njih in nas kaže v dobri luči ter poskrbi, da so naše stranke zadovoljne. Užitek je sodelovati z ekipo Global Listings in z veseljem jih priporočim.