Friday, December 8th, 2017

Built on individualism and compromise, independence and cooperation, Jazz has been called the purest expression of American democracy. Ken Burns’ documentary mini-series on the subject, ‘Jazz,’ airs in full Sunday 10 December on PBS.

The 12-part series presents the history of America’s greatest original art from, from its humble beginnings in the 1890s in New Orleans to the present.

The first episode, ‘Gumbo: Beginnings to 1917,’ explores how African-American musicians began to create a new music out of a combination of influences, from Italian opera to Caribbean rhythms.

The second episode, ‘The Gift: 1917 to 1924,’ takes on two extraordinary cities—New York and Chicago—and two extraordinary artists—Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington—whose work will span almost three-quarters of a century.

Further episodes explore the development of the genre through the 30s, 40s and 50s, before finally tracing its influences on present-day music.

All 12 episodes air back-to-back from 10:20am GMT on Sunday 10 December.


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Viasat Broadcasting

Man bør ikke undervurdere den udfordring, der ligger i at levere oversættelser af TV-programmer og lign. af høj kvalitet til tiden, men med Global Listings er vi sikre på, at vi har fundet en samarbejdspartner, der kan levere denne information i den standard, vi forventer.

Scripps Networks International

Global Listings’ service og support for vore kanaler, i Storbrittannien og internationalt, har været uvurderlig. Jeres service har været perfekt og særdeles pålidelig og altid med et godt overblik, selv når vi har haft travlt med at sørge for, at alt virker i vores ende!