Friday, November 17th, 2017

Lifetime recently announced Married at First Sight alumni and first-time parents Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner will star in a new spin-off series, Married at First Sight: Jamie and Doug Plus One.

Debuting this December, the show documents Jamie and Doug’s experiences surrounding the birth of their first child, and will allow long-time fans of the popular pair to continue to watch them evolve.

In the three years since Jamie and Doug’s first meeting – and television debut –on Married at First Sight season one, they’ve tied the knot, starred in another spinoff, Married at First Sight: The First Year, suffered a painful, public miscarriage, and welcomed their first child, Henley Grace. According to a statement issued by Lifetime, this latest edition of the franchise finds the Hehners struggling to ‘navigate their “new normal,” experiencing all the ups and downs of parenthood, and falling in love with their baby girl — at first sight.’

Married at First Sight: Jamie and Doug Plus One premieres Tuesday, 19 December at 8 pm ET, with a 2.5-hour special.


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