Wednesday, March 1st, 2017

Good news for fans of TruTV UK – Turner’s free-to-air channel has been saved from the brink of closure by a surprise buy-out by Sony Pictures Television.

The channel launched in 2014 on Freeview, Freesat, Sky and Virgin airing a mix of true crime and US reality shows, but despite acquiring top-rated shows such as America’s Got Talent, Ink Master and talk show Conan, it has struggled to win viewers in a competitive market. Turner had been seeking a buyer since announcing the channel might have to close last December.

Although it’s fairly unusual for a US media giant to take on channels from a rival, Kate Marsh, ‎Sony Pictures Television’s Executive Vice President, Western Europe, International Networks, said the acquisition would be, “a great complement to our portfolio.”


What the industry says about US

London Live, Suurbritannia

Olen teinud Global Listingsiga koostööd nii perioodil, kui töötasin Universalis kui ka viimasel ajal London Live'is. Nad on saatnud meie igakuised programmi kõrghetked alati hästi professionaalsel kujul ja õigeaegselt ning küsivad alati kohe kõige kohta, mis neile õige ei tundu. Soovitan neid kõhklemata.

ESPN Classic, Euroopa

ESPN Classicu peamiseks missiooniks on teenindada spordifänne igal ajal ja igal pool, kus spordisündmusi vaadatakse, ja meie telekavade lokaliseerimisel on selle saavutamisel tähtis roll. Global Listings on end tõestanud kvaliteetse allikana, kes seda teenust pakub.