Monday, October 30th, 2017

The Menendez Murders: Erik Tells All


Everything you thought you knew about the Menendez murders, one of the most infamous murders of the 20th Century, is about to be turned on its head, as A&E has announced a new tell-all documentary series featuring convicted killer, Erik Menendez.


Featuring never-before-seen photos, archive footage and extensive phone interviews with Menendez, conducted from his prison cell, ‘The Menendez Murders: Erik Tells All’, is the self-confessed killer’s first, exclusive attempt to explain his and his older brother Lyle’s action on the night of August 20th 1989.


Due to air in the United States on 30th November, the series also features exclusive interviews with law enforcement, journalists and friends who all had a close connection to the case, to give a broader understanding of the crime, investigation and subsequent trials that resulted in the Menendez brothers being sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.


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