Friday, April 27th, 2018

Georgia Flood (Anzac Girls, Wentworh Prison) has joined the cast of Lifetime series American Princess as the series lead, Amanda.

The scripted show from Jenji Kohan, Jami Denbo and Tara Herrmann centres around a socialite who runs off to join a Renaissance Faire after her wedding goes awry. Lucas Neff (Raising Hope, Fear Inc., Downward Dog), Seana Kofoed (Men in Trees, Flaked), Rory O’Malley (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Hamilton) and Mary Hollis Inboden (The Real O’Neals, Here And Now) round out the series cast.

Produced by A+E Studios in association with Global Road Entertainment, ten one-hour episodes have been greenlit for production this summer in Los Angeles.


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