HISTORY takes on Zodiac killer in new nonfiction series

Monday, November 6th, 2017

A new five-part series from HISTORY, ‘Zodiac Killer: Case Closed?’ is on a mission to crack one of the most perplexing codes ever created.

The Zodiac killer, who terrorised Northern California in the 1960s and 1970s, remains one of the most famous unidentified serial killers in history. The unknown suspect left behind a series of taunting letters and codes filled with symbols no one has been able to break – until now.

‘Zodiac Killer: Case Closed?’ assembles a team of experts, including retired LAPD homicide detective Sal LaBarbera, former FBI task force member Ken Mains, and professor and code-breaker Kevin Knight, to work alongside the powerful super-computer known as CARMEL to attempt to break the killer’s code.

‘Zodiac Killer: Case Closed?’ will launch on HISTORY UK on Wednesday 22 November at 9pm GMT.


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