Friday, November 10th, 2017

As a multi-time WWE world champion, lead singer of rock band Fozzy and former contestant on Dancing With the Stars, Chris Jericho’s done it all. Now the self-proclaimed ‘Ayatollah of Rock-n-Rolla’ is embarking on arguably his most exciting challenge to date as he teams up with Travel Channel in a quest to unearth the world’s greatest mysteries.

‘The Legend Of…With Chris Jericho’ premieres in November 2017 and follows the superstar as he digs into the past in an effort to separate fact from fiction to find the true story behind some of America’s greatest urban legends.

Jericho heads out to the desert in Utah to investigate the legend of Butch Cassidy and his legendary lost loot, collaborating with treasure hunters and historical experts along the way.

“I’ve had a lot of amazing experiences over the course of my career and my life, but searching for the truth behind some of the greatest mysteries in history is by far the most incredible! I’m on a mission for truth, treasure and adventure,” said Jericho.


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