Tuesday, March 28th, 2017

This spring, the hit docu-series Married at First Sight comes to Lifetime on the A+E Network, as lonely hearts in the Chicago area take the sacred vow to a stranger the moment they meet. That’s not all, as the new spin-off series Married at First Sight: Second Chances also arrives at the end of April, giving viewer favourites from the past the opportunity to find love again.

For those unfamiliar with the format of the show, singles yearning for a life-long partnership undergo a series of tests from a team of experts in sociology and relationships, and compatible couples are created based on scientific match-making. The first place the pair will see each other is at the altar, and the series captures each couple’s journey from the wedding, to the honeymoon, to settling down, to the daily struggle of making the marriage work. This culminates in a decision made after several weeks together: do they remain married or decide to seek a divorce?

Season five of Married at First Sight will include 17 episodes, while Married at First Sight: Second Chances will feature 12 episodes of must-see drama, entertainment and excitement, completely exclusive to Lifetime!


What the industry says about US

Discovery Networks

Družba Discovery Networks Europe je leta 2002 izbrala Global Listings, da izdela nov interni sistem za učinkovito in rentabilno dostavo vseh njenih evropskih sporedov in izborov programov medijem, agencijam za odnose z javnostmi in poslovnim partnerjem (tako v angleškem kot v prevedenih formatih). Global Listings je dodobra spoznal naš posel, njegova ekipa pa je s tiskovnimi uradi družbe DNE EMEA vzpostavila trden in proaktiven odnos. Trdo so delali, da so razvili sisteme skladno z našimi poslovnimi prioritetami, s temi novimi sistemi in ob našem partnerstvu s podjetjem Global Listings pa sta se nato v komaj šestih mesecih kakovost in učinkovitost programskih informacij na celotnem območju EMEA občutno izboljšali.

NBC Universal Global Networks, Central and Eastern Europe

S podjetjem Global Listings smo sodelovali že pri lansiranju novih kanalov v Srednjo in Vzhodno Evropo, njihov standard storitev pa nas je zelo presenetil, prav tako tudi hiter odziv na spremembe programa in njihovo prizadevanje, da dobijo program in informacije o programu kar se da hitro. Vsekakor so naša poslovna izbira ob širitvi na nova tržišča!