The Walking Dead Ratings Hold Steady

Friday, November 10th, 2017

The Walking Dead is holding steady as the top rated Sunday night cable show, as season 8’s third episode attracted 8.5 million viewers.

The latest Nielson ratings prove it’s still the most popular Sunday night show by some margin. Series execs will be bolstered by the news that the series after show, ‘Talking Dead”, was the night’s second highest rated show, with 3.1 million viewers hanging on after the new episode.

With The Walking Dead outrunning its nearest rivals for the 18-49 demographic, including mega-hits like The Big Bang Theory and Grey’s Anatomy, it looks set to hold onto its crown for a long time to come.


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Brendovi kanala "Universal Networks International" nude živi spektar zabave publici u Aziji. Uglačana isporuka kompletnih usluga EPV-i i veb sadržaja od strane kompanije Global Listings svakako će obezbediti obogaćeno iskustvo gledanja.