FX Renews ‘Pose’ For Second Season

Friday, July 13th, 2018

Pose, the FX series co-created by American Horror Story’s Ryan Murphy, has been renewed for a second season.

Set in New York City in 1987, the drama follows various strands of urban life whose legacies are felt to this day: James van der Beek plays a corporate go-getter with an office in Trump Tower; MJ Rodriguez and Dominique Jackson are part of the city’s LGBTQ ball scene; and a third strand follows the downtown literary scene. As well as winning plaudits for its energy and drama, the series has been praised for its diversity behind and in front of the camera, with Janet Mock – also a producer – the first black trans woman to direct prime time US TV.

Given two episodes of the first series are still to screen, it’s not yet clear exactly which of the cast will return for the second, but given the talent involved it’s sure to be a worthy successor.


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