PBS Revisit D-Day

Thursday, January 23rd, 2020

The Allied invasion of Europe on the 6th of June 1944 has often been described as a triumph of logistics. This bold attempt to gain a foothold in Nazi-occupied France was the culmination of two years of painstaking, meticulous planning.

Utilising data gathered through forensic laser scanning, 3D computer modelling and eyewitness accounts, and focusing on the battle for a vital stretch of Omaha Beach, documentary D-Day 360 (Monday 27th, 8.30pm) vividly brings home the sheer daunting scale of the undertaking. Not even the most carefully laid plans could have guaranteed success. Yet without such painstaking preparation, the Allies’ ability to handle setbacks would have been greatly reduced and the scope for disaster enormously increased. Now, cutting-edge technology enables this incredible story to be told with unprecedented immediacy.


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