PBS Looks At How Wildlife Crime Brought Plague

Monday, January 25th, 2021

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause devastation, governments and their peoples search for the source of the deadly infection. But the questions may have uncomfortable answers, as seen in Corona: The Pandemic And The Pangolin (Monday 25th, 8.35pm PBS).

There is nothing new about viruses that jump from animals to humans, causing life-threatening diseases. Some suspect the armadillo-like pangolin may be the source of COVID-19, but the issue is really how the illegal and brutal wildlife trade, which sees slaughtered animals packed on top of one another, bodily fluids mixing, has created a potential for deadly viruses to jump species. For decades experts have called on governments to connect human, animal and environmental health. Conservationist Jane Goodall, marine activist Paul Watson and other experts discuss their perspectives – and the lessons we need to learn.


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