HGTV and Macerich Malls Present ‘Santa HQ’ Experience

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

HGTV’s interactive Santa HQ experience will return to 15 Macerich malls across the US this holiday season.


Santa HQ offers shoppers the chance to take a custom photo with Santa Claus, find out how they rank on the Naughty or Nice O’Meter and enjoy a light show featuring more than 10,000 individual lights.


Guests can also download the Elf-Ray Vision app or use the tablets provided to discover Santa HQ’s 2D and 3D digital scenes, including Santa’s Workshop and Observatory.


Combining the traditional Santa Claus visit with immersive, state-of-the-art digital technology, Santa HQ has proved a hit with visitors of all ages since 2014.


Macerich vice president of business development Petra Maruca said: “This one-of-a-kind interactive attraction, created in partnership with HGTV, has become a well-loved tradition at top Macerich centres across the country.”


Scripps Networks Interactive US brand marketing general manager Shannon Driver added: “The network is thrilled to partner once again with Macerich to offer this interactive event full of wonder and fun that makes the season even more special for families.”


Santa HQ returns on 2 November at Macerich malls in Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Oregon and Washington, D.C.


Visit for details.


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