Friday, January 19th, 2018

A+E Networks Italy is producing a number of new original series and specials for the international marketplace. Among these is the Emanuela Orlandi/Vanished Special, a one-off documentary on the disappearance of 15-year-old Emanuela Orlandi. The 1983 case involved the Vatican and made headlines worldwide, and has yet to be solved. The special is produced by B&B film for A+E Networks Italia, and aired on Sky in Italy on Sunday 14 January.

A+E Italia’s other upcoming 2018 originals include the high-end series 1968mm, which will look at various major events from the watershed year of 1968, including student demonstrations in Paris and anti-war protests in Chicago. The series will use amateur Super 8 movies footage shot by eyewitnesses. It will be directed by multiple-prize-winning British director Jerry Rothwell, and co-produced by Itay’s DocLab shingles and Germany’s Boekamp & Kriesgsheim.

A+E Italia, which is based in Rome, runs the History, Crime+Investigation and Blaze Channels that air on Sky Italia. Since it was set up in 2013, the network has been producing local originals with international scope, including The Mafia’s Secret Bunkers, which aired in prime time on the BBC, and Eating History: Italy, which has played on Australia’s SBS.


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A+E Networks

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