Friday, November 24th, 2017

Lifetime will be championing strong women in 2018 as it kicks off the New Year with a trio of original movies based on real stories.

The highly anticipated ‘Cocaine Godmother: The Griselda Blanco Story’ will air in the States on 20th January at 8pm ET/PT, and will feature Catherine Zeta-Jones in the titular role of Griselda Blanco, the woman who once single-handedly dominated the cocaine trade in America.

On 27th January at 8pm ET/PT, Grammy award-winning singer and actor Toni Braxton will star in ‘Faith Under Fire: The Antoinette Tuff Story’, the true tale of the woman who saved countless innocent lives by preventing a school shooting.

Finally, ‘The Simone Biles Story’ on 3rd February at 8pm ET/PT, chronicles the life of the world’s most decorated gymnast, Simone Biles. It will feature newcomer Jeanté Godlock as Biles in the lead role.


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