The critically-acclaimed Netflix original series Orange is the New Black makes its UK debut on Sony Channel this month.
The Emmy Award-winning comedic drama series follows protagonist Piper Chapman (Taylor Schilling) as she enters Litchfield Penitentiary and confronts issues of sexuality, race and the American criminal justice system.
Sony Pictures Television Networks has acquired the British broadcast rights to the show, with Executive VP, Kate Marsh, calling the series a ‘must-see’.
“We recognise the demand for premium content that appeals to a broad audience, which is exactly what Orange is the New Black offers,” she says.
“We’re pleased to make it part of our offering on Sony Channel.”
Series 1 premieres on Wednesday 19 April with a double bill every week at 9pm. Viewers can find Sony Channel on Virgin Media channel 193, Sky channel 157 and TalkTalk channel 331.