Food Network has sweet spot for the holiday season

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

Food Network is getting into the holiday spirit with fresh, festive batches of Holiday Baking Championship and Christmas Cookie Challenge, starting 6 November.


Kicking off with Holiday Baking Championship, nine new culinary artisans face off over seven weeks of mouth-watering challenges inspired by the treats and traditions of Thanksgiving, Chanukah and Christmas. Host Jesse Palmer and judges Duff Goldman, Nancy Fuller and Lorraine Pascale are back, as well as the $50,000 grand prize for the last baker standing. The gang then reconvenes for a Christmas Day special: Holiday Baking Championship: Runners-Up Redemption. In this one-shot showdown edition of the show past runners-up return in hopes of turning tasks like building an edible Christmas tree out of cupcakes into $10,000 in consolation cash.


Also dropping 6 November, Christmas Cookie Challenge, hosted by Eddie Jackson, features a cadre of creative cookie-making maestros competing in two rounds each episode to impress the panel of judges, led by Ree Drummond. With a $10,000 prize in store for the winner, baking cookies doesn’t get much sweeter.


“Food Network’s holiday programming captures the sugar and spice and everything nice about the season,” said Courtney White, Senior Vice President of Programming at Scripps Networks Interactive.


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