Friday, December 8th, 2017

America’s First Home is famous for its holiday decor, and once again HGTV is going behind the scenes to show viewers what it takes to transform the White House into a festive fantasyland.

In ‘White House Christmas 2017’, staff and volunteers guide designer and home renovation guru Alison Victoria on an exclusive, VIP tour of the iconic home. During the one-hour special, Alison gets the inside scoop on the First Family’s chosen theme for the 2017 holiday season, ‘Time-Honoured Traditions’, samples tasty treats in the pastry kitchen, and even pitches in on the volunteer decorating effort! The epic Blue Room tree also makes a cameo appearance in the special, as does the still incomplete 350-lb White House Gingerbread House.

Witness the massive labour of love that goes into making every single room holiday ready with ‘White House Christmas 2017’, premiering Sunday, 10 December at 6 p.m. ET/PT.


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