Monday, February 20th, 2017

NBC Universal’s flagship brand, Universal Channel, has gained exclusive rights to legendary producer Dick Wolf’s brand new legal drama, Chicago Justice, it has been revealed.

The hotly anticipated show is the newest instalment in mega-producer Wolf’s successful Chicago franchise, which already includes Chicago P.D., Chicago Fire and Chicago Med. So what next for the Windy City? All is set to be revealed, but what we do know already is that the series will follow ambitious Deputy Chief of the Special Prosecutions Bureau, Peter Stone (played by Phillip Winchester) in his relentless quest for truth and justice, a mission which often sees him locking horns with State’s Attorney Mark Jefferies (Carl Weathers), who sees the world through a very different, more pragmatic lens.

Viewers will have to tune into Universal Channel on 30th March at 9pm to find out more, but as the powerhouse behind Law and Order and Cold Justice, a Wolf-produced project is bound to be a ratings success.


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