Friday, January 19th, 2018

A&E has ordered two new true crime series for the spring season, Marcia Clark Investigates The First 48 and Grace Vs. Abrams, both set to premiere 29 March.

Marcia Clark Investigates The First 48 will feature the former OJ Simpson prosecutor investigating the events immediately following the discovery of a murder in order to uncover new information about the crime.

Speaking about the series, Marcia Clark said, “[it] feels like a continuation of a mission I’ve been on my whole life. To discover the truth, bring that truth to light and seek justice has always been a driving force for me.”

Grace Vs. Abrams will feature legal analysts Nancy Grace and Dan Abrams debating infamous crimes and legal cases in front of a live audience. The series will be filmed at Times Square Studios.


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A+E Networks

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