Friday, November 24th, 2017

Christmas24, Movies24’s all Christmas counterpart, is ramping up the holiday fun for the 25th and 26th November with four special premieres each day from 11am.

Highlights of the big holiday weekend include the premieres ‘Christmas in the Air’, starring Catherine Bell (‘The Good Witch’) as a professional organiser on a mission to help a frazzled widower get his life in order in time to pitch a new Christmas toy line to a superstore, and ‘A Rose for Christmas’, in which Rachel Boston takes over the family business designing and building floats for the local Christmas Rose Parade.

Also showing is the 2002 film ‘A Christmas Visitor’ in which a family still grieving the loss of their son in the Persian Gulf War are helped to overcome their tragedy by the arrival of a mysterious stranger (Dean McDermott).

The full weekend line up can be found below.

Saturday, 25th November
11:00am – Becoming Santa
1:00pm – Christmas in the Air
3:00pm – A Rose for Christmas
5:00pm – Holidaze

Sunday, 26th November
11:00am – Lucky Christmas
1:00pm – Married by Christmas
3:00pm – The Sweetest Christmas
5:00pm – A Christmas Visitor


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