Wednesday, April 19th, 2017

The hit series follows cocktail connoisseur Jack Maxwell as he explores the world, one sip at a time. Maxwell got his start as a bartender in South Boston, where he learned one thing: sit down with a stranger and a couple of drinks, and the whole world opens up. ‘Booze Traveler’ (sic) is Maxwell’s search for the world’s most interesting drinks – and the people, places, customs and cultures that surround them.

“‘Booze Traveler’ gives everyone a seat at the bar right next to the most fascinating storytellers around the world,” says Courtney White, Senior Vice President of Programming at Travel Channel.

The network has begun shooting 16 new hour-long episodes in locations such as Colorado, Norway, Costa Rica and the Caribbean. White ensures that the new season will showcase “intriguing destinations brimming with rich history, exotic cocktails and amazing folklore”.

The new season of ‘Booze Traveler’ will premiere on Travel Channel in late 2017.


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Tristar Products, UK

Kot podjetje vsak dan nadzorujemo svojo prodajo in zato moramo včasih spored spremeniti v trenutku. Zaradi sodelovanja z Global Listings je to preprosto. Njihovo prepričanje, da je vse mogoče, pomeni, da nas ne ovira birokracija ali toge pogodbe – mi naredimo spremembo, oni pa vso težaško delo ... Odlična storitev!


S storitvami podjetja Global Listings smo zelo zadovoljni: sporedi so dobro organizirani in strukturirani, spremembe v sporedu pa so jasno označene. Sporede vedno dobimo vnaprej, kar nam je v veliko pomoč pri upoštevanju naših rokov. Zadovoljni smo s kakovostjo in s tem, da se v primeru vprašanj in nejasnosti hitro in učinkovito odzovejo. Osebje podjetja Global Listings je zelo pozorno in prijazno.