Friday, December 8th, 2017

Will Smith is to host a National Geographic event series entitled ‘One Strange Rock’, executive produced by Darren Aronofsky.

The ten-episode series tells the story of life on Earth and features accounts of our planet seen from space from such astronauts as Chris Hadfield and Mae Jemison.

Aronofsky said: “I am thrilled to have Will Smith on board to guide our series. His charisma, intelligence and humanity will add greatly to the project, helping welcome viewers into this unique narrative about the mind-blowing wonders that make life on Earth possible.”

Executive producer Tim Pastore added: “By pairing the incomparable, out-of-this-world, global appeal of Will Smith with our rock-star astronauts, who literally went out of this world, we tell the incredible story of the complexities of our planet.”


What the industry says about US

Discovery Networks

Družba Discovery Networks Europe je leta 2002 izbrala Global Listings, da izdela nov interni sistem za učinkovito in rentabilno dostavo vseh njenih evropskih sporedov in izborov programov medijem, agencijam za odnose z javnostmi in poslovnim partnerjem (tako v angleškem kot v prevedenih formatih). Global Listings je dodobra spoznal naš posel, njegova ekipa pa je s tiskovnimi uradi družbe DNE EMEA vzpostavila trden in proaktiven odnos. Trdo so delali, da so razvili sisteme skladno z našimi poslovnimi prioritetami, s temi novimi sistemi in ob našem partnerstvu s podjetjem Global Listings pa sta se nato v komaj šestih mesecih kakovost in učinkovitost programskih informacij na celotnem območju EMEA občutno izboljšali.

MAXtv, Croatia

Kot administrator elektronskih programskih vodičev za MAXtv sem z vašimi sporedi, opisi izbranih oddaj in EPG-datotekami zelo zadovoljen. Ves material vedno prispe pravočasno in v taki obliki, ki popolnoma ustreza našim potrebam. Vaše storitve bi ocenil kot odlične.