Tuesday, March 14th, 2017

A Global Listings műsorlistái nagyon jók. Bár nincs sok hely a TV műsor hasábjainkon, mégis nagyon hasznosak számunkra. Az előzeteseik és sajtóanyagaik sokat segítenek a kiemelendő TV műsorok kiválasztásában

Tros Kompas


What the industry says about US

Red Bull Media House, International

The staff at Global Listings are a steadfast ally in coping with a tumultuous TV environment, and their professionalism, accuracy and courtesy make them a pleasure to work with. Global Listings is currently delivering our TV highlights content worldwide and in translated formats in 16 languages.

SkjarHeimur, Iceland

We use your highlights to the maximum and we can truly say that your channels have more exposure and get more ad time in our e-mail/magazine than those channels who do not provide us with highlights. We rate your service as an A!