Elégedettek vagyunk a Global Listingstől kapott műsorismertetőkkel. A dokumentumok áttekinthetők, minden szükséges információt tartalmaznak és mindig aktuálisak
Tuesday, March 14th, 2017
Elégedettek vagyunk a Global Listingstől kapott műsorismertetőkkel. A dokumentumok áttekinthetők, minden szükséges információt tartalmaznak és mindig aktuálisak
Since Insight TV launched in 2015, Global Listings have been a trusted and reliable partner for all our EPG and Press Highlights services. The team are friendly, dedicated and understand the needs of our business, which is vital for us as a new and growing channel within the linear television market.
The press schedules that we receive from Global Listings deserve an ‘excellent’ as a rating. We are very satisfied with the service provided by Global Listings to our magazines. Your teams are always efficient and excellent communicators. If we ever have any queries these are dealt with quickly and efficiently.