Christmas comes to Movies 24

Monday, October 30th, 2017

Christmas has officially arrived on Movies 24 with a non-stop selection of festive films running from the end of October through to January.

The Christmas line-up is part of Movies 24’s annual transformation into Christmas 24, with special Christmas premieres every Saturday and Sunday at 3pm and 5pm.

Viewers can get in the festive spirit this November weekend with films like A COOKIE CUTTER CHRISTMAS, premiering 4th November at 3pm, and FINDING FATHER CHRISTMAS, premiering 5th November at 5pm.

In A COOKIE CUTTER CHRISTMAS, Christie (Erin Krakow) and Penny (Miranda Frigon) have been archrivals since they were children – and as adults, nothing has changed. Now teachers, the two women work at the same school where they compete over everything. As the holiday season approaches, a new school event, the Christmas Cookie Bake-Off, has them scrambling to one-up each other – and when a handsome single father (David Hadyn-Jones) volunteers to help, the competition heats up.

FINDING FATHER CHRISTMAS tells the story of Miranda (Erin Krakow), who’s found Christmas difficult since she was young, when her mother died. When new clues to her father’s whereabouts turn up just before Christmas, Miranda follows them to a small New England town where she meets Ian (Niall Matter), a handsome young man who offers to help her with her search for her father. As Miranda learns more about her past, she begins to realise what family and love really mean at Christmastime.


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