The Royal Windsor Horse Show is coming to H&C, with three, one-hour highlight shows of the Grand Prix Freestyle to Music, the Kingdom of Bahrain Stakes for the King’s Cup and the Rolex Grand Prix. This year’s Royal Windsor on 10-14 May promises to be bigger and better than ever, as its showjumping has been upgraded to five-star level, while dressage now has four-star status. In addition, Sunday’s Rolex Grand Prix is offering a £258,000 prize fund, which is the biggest prize in British Showjumping. Show director Simon Brooks-Ward said the show’s five-star status and impressive prize money puts Windsor “alongside the best international horse shows in the world”.
Tuesday, March 21st, 2017
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MAXtv, Hrvatska
Kao EPG administrator za MAXtv, izuzetno sam zadovoljan s vašim rasporedima, izdvojenim programskim sadržajima i EPG datotekama. Uvijek ih dostavljate na vrijeme u obliku koji savršeno odgovara našim potrebama. Vašoj EPG usluzi dao bih izvrsnu ocjenu.
Viasat Broadcasting
Izazov isporuke kvalitetnih, pravodobnih prijevoda rasporeda TV programa i opisa emisija ne smije se podcijeniti, ali znamo da smo u tvrtki Global Listings našli partnera u kojeg možemo imati povjerenja da će isporučiti te informacije prema standardu koji očekujemo.