Friday, February 17th, 2017

Insight TV has launched its Ultra HD adventure series Access All Areas through Vodafone Portugal, Vodafone Spain, Swisscom and Russian provider Tricolor, as it continues to produce high-quality travel programming in UHD.

“We’re very happy to be announcing our second 4K series with our partners at Insight TV,” stated Danny Tipping, Director of Programming and Development at Sky Vision Productions, who helped produce the adventure show.

Access All Areas sees adventurer Francesca Chiorando travel all over the world – from Iceland to the Sahara – as she looks to discover the world’s most challenging and terrifying places. It is the latest series to be produced by Insight TV in Ultra High-Definition and adds to the 200 hours of content already available.


What the industry says about US

NBC Universal Global Networks, Central and Eastern Europe

Surađivali smo s Global Listings prilikom pokretanja novih kanala u Središnjoj i Istočnoj Europi i bili smo zadivljeni visokim standardom usluga, trenutnim reakcijama u slučaju mijenjanja rasporeda i proaktivnošću kako bi rasporedi i izbori iz programa bili dostavljeni dovoljno vremena unaprijed, kao i u slučaju isporuke naših EPG sadržaja. Sigurno ćemo ih uzeti u obzir kada se budemo širili na nova tržišta!

Mediaset Premium, Italija

Svi vaši EPG-ovi točni su i isporučuju se na vrijeme. Štoviše, izmjene programa jasne su i uvijek se dostavljaju na vrijeme. Doista, od EPG-ova koje primamo od svih kanala, naše je mišljenje da je Global Listings jedan od najboljih.