Thursday, April 6th, 2017

National Geographic is teaming up with Sigourney Weaver and award-winning producer James Marsh on a brand new mini-series commemorating the life and work of gorilla researcher Dian Fossey.

Weaver, who famously won a Golden Globe for her portrayal of Fossey’s groundbreaking work in Rwanda in 1988 film ‘Gorillas in the Mist’, will narrate the series, which is set to air in 171 countries and 45 languages this autumn.

Through previously unseen footage of Fossey and the gorillas she worked with, as well as photos and personal letters, the series will give new insights into her life and career from childhood until her death at the hands of her assistant, Wayne McGuire.

The documentary will also feature new footage of the Pablo troop of gorillas, including adult silverback gorilla Cantsbee, who was named and nurtured by Fossey. Cantsbee is suspected to only be alive today thanks to Fossey’s pioneering work protecting mountain gorillas and their habitat.


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