Wednesday, March 29th, 2017

Parks and Recreation stars Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman are set to be reunited, with both signed up to NBC’s crafty new series, The Handmade Project.

An initial six episode run will see the comedy duo hosting the competition show that promises to celebrate artisanship and the art of making things by hand. Poehler and Offerman will join a panel of judges presiding over events as eight of America’s best crafters put their skills, including woodwork, quilting, scrapbooking and cake decorating, to the test in a bid to impress the judges and be named as the country’s best artisan.

The show will be executive produced in part by Poehler and Offerman, and is Poehler’s first venture into non-scripted television, following a new deal with Universal Television.


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Global Listings è un ottimo partner per BBC e siamo molto soddisfatti di lavorare con loro per l'area del Medio Oriente. Questa è una regione in crescita ed è imperativo essere in grado di fornire ai mercati locali le informazioni giuste, con un linguaggio adeguato e in un formato corretto. Siamo sicuri che Global Listings conseguirà risultati di prim'ordine per la divisione Global News di BBC e non vediamo l'ora di consolidare il nostro rapporto lavorativo con loro.

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