Friday, December 8th, 2017

Travel Channel’s popular ‘Mysteries at the Museum’ series returns this month with 13 new single-topic episodes.

Hosted by history enthusiast and explorer Don Wildman, the series examines iconic and fascinating tales from history.

“I’ll explore some of the most studied and debated mysteries that continue to fascinate us decades after they occurred,” said Wildman. “In many of the specials, I’ll visit the actual places or spaces that sparked an uncommon experience.”

The first of the specials, ‘Race to the Atlantic: Mysteries at the Museum,’ tells the incredible survival story of polar explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton and the crew on the Endurance.

The second special, ‘Andes Rescue: Mysteries at the Museum,’ dives deep into the awe-inspiring story of the 1972 plan crash in the Andes mountains and the extremes the survivors faced in order to make it out alive.

Other episodes will include a trek through the ruins of Pompeii, a search for Cleopatra’s tomb, and a trip along the Underground Railroad.

‘Race to the Atlantic: Mysteries at the Museum’ premieres Thursday 28 December at 9pm ET/PT.

‘Andes Rescue: Mysteries at the Museum’ premieres Thursday 4 January at 9pm ET/PT.


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