Friday, December 15th, 2017

PBS America brought their range of award-winning documentary programmes to Freeview this month as they launched on channel 94 on 13th December.

The British television channel from America’s Public Broadcasting Service, PBS America showcases PBS’s best-loved and most critically acclaimed factual programming. Featured programmes include both treasures from their extensive archives and new shows on current events.

Features on the channel this winter include ‘Putin’s Revenge’ at 9pm on 22 December, the two-part special ‘Walt Disney,’ premiering at 4:15pm on Christmas Eve, ‘Jazz,’ the 12-part special from acclaimed documentarian Ken Burns, showing in full from 11:10am on New Year’s Day, and ‘War on the EPA’ at 9pm on 5 January.


What the industry says about US

NBC Universal Global Networks, Asien Pacific

Universal Networks Internationals kanalbrands tilbyder et spændende udvalg af underholdning til det asiatiske publikum. Den strømlinede levering af fuldservicebaserede EPG'er og website-indhold med Global Listings vil helt klart give en optimeret seeroplevelse.

TV Control, Griekenland

We zijn erg blij met jullie diensten. De tekenlengte van de beschrijvingen past precies in ons EPG-formaat. Als we vragen hebben, worden die altijd meteen beantwoord door jullie EPG-teams. Global Listings levert de uitzendschema's altijd op tijd; voor alle kanalen is de informatie altijd ruim voor de uitzenddatum binnen. Heel erg bedankt.