Friday, February 24th, 2023

On 6 June 1944 the Allies finally launched their full-scale assault on Nazi-occupied Europe. What was it like for those who took part in the fighting, with no idea of the outcome and no guarantee of their own survival? Offering the dramatic recollections of those who were there, revealing documentary D-DAY: LAST WORDS (Thursday 2nd, 9.25pm) delves beneath the legends that have grown up around the struggle to secure an all-important foothold on the Normandy beaches.
From a British sailor who laid underwater charges to knock out German defences, to Canadians, Americans, French partisans and German defenders, moving interviews are combined with new-found footage and dramatic reconstructions to place the viewer at the heart of what would come to be known as ‘The Longest Day.’


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TT Spektra, Sweden

We use both the Global Listings press schedules (in Word) and their XML files. The programme descriptions are rather good and not too long, which is helpful. We use their text verbatim and import it direct into our database.

Media-Press TV, International

Global Listings' press schedules are well-laid out, with relevant information included and are always sent on time. We are very satisfied with the quality of your schedules and the fact that if we have any questions, these are dealt with quickly by your teams. I would rate your services as excellent.