Monday, January 9th, 2023

In August 1955, on a visit to relatives in Money, Mississippi, 14-year-old Chicago teenager Emmett Till was accused of whistling at a white woman. Punishment was swift. He was kidnapped, beaten, mutilated and shot, and his body dumped in the Tallahatchie River. When Emmett’s corpse was returned to Chicago his mother made the decision to leave his body untouched by the undertaker, with the casket open so everyone could see what happened to her son. It was a decision that would help ignite the civil rights movement.
THE MURDER OF EMMETT TILL (Thursday 12th, 8.30pm) examines the horrific crime and its lasting legacy as witnesses, friends and family members recount the tragic tale that continues to haunt America.


What the industry says about US

Discovery Networks

Discovery Networks appointed Global Listings to create a new system for efficient and cost-effective delivery of all its UK & EMEA programme schedules and highlights to the media, PR agencies and business partners (in both English and translated formats). Global Listings has built up a solid understanding of our business and its teams have developed a strong and proactive relationship with our EMEA local offices.

ESPN Classic, Europe

Serving sports fans whenever and wherever sports are watched is a key mission for ESPN Classic and localising our listings is a significant contribution to facilitating this. Global Listings has proved to be a quality resource in making this happen.