Monday, November 20th, 2017


Times Square, New York, 18th November 2017:

Thalia Droussioti, the founder and CEO of Global Listings, has been named the winner of the hotly contested Stevie® Award in the CEO category for Women in Business for Female Entrepreneur of the Year in Europe, the Middle East & Africa

Following thousands of submissions from more than 60 countries, the Stevie Award winners were unveiled in a glittering ceremony in Manhattan on Friday night and the event was also broadcast via Livestream.

Thalia Droussioti said: “I am genuinely delighted and truly honoured to be a recipient of the world’s premier business award! It has been a hugely exciting journey to reach this moment – and for my achievements as both a female CEO and entrepreneur to be recognised by such a distinguished panel of international experts is incredibly flattering. I’ve also loved meeting the other nominated top female executives from around the world, each of whom has their own success story to tell.”

Michael Gallagher, President of the Stevie Awards, said: “The judges were so impressed with the accomplishments of all of the Stevie Award-winning women and organizations. The 2017 Stevie Awards for Women in Business received a record number of nominations and had a record number of ceremony attendees. We congratulate all of this year’s Award winners for their achievements.”

The Stevie Award recognises and celebrates the achievements of female executives, entrepreneurs and the organisations they run – worldwide – and is one of the world’s most coveted business prizes. Now celebrating their 14th year, the Stevie Awards have firmly established themselves as the world’s premier business awards for Women in Business.

This year’s winners of the Stevies were determined by an independent panel of 170 judges, serving on five specialised committees. The judges included many of the world’s most respected executives, entrepreneurs, innovators and business leaders. There are seven Stevie Awards programs, each with its own focus, list of categories and schedule.


What the industry says about US

Discovery Networks

Discovery Networks Europa a ales Global Listings în 2002 pentru a crea un nou sistem destinat livrării productive şi eficiente din punct de vedere al costurilor, pentru toate grilele sale de programe şi recomandările pentru presă, către agenţii de PR şi parteneri de business ai companiei din Europa (atât formatul în engleză, cât şi formatele traduse). Global Listings a acumulat o înţelegere solidă a business-ului nostru, iar echipa sa şi-a format o relaţie puternică şi proactivă cu Birourile de Presă ale DNE EMEA. Ei au făcut eforturi susţinute pentru a dezvolta sisteme aliniate la priorităţile noastre de business, iar  calitatea şi eficienţa informaţiilor noastre despre programe, în întreaga regiune EMEA, s-au îmbunătăţit considerabil datorită noilor sisteme şi parteneriatului nostru cu Global Listings.

Insight, International

De când Insight TV şi-a lansat prima emisiune in octombrie 2015, Global Listings s-a dovedit a fi un partener de încredere şi responsabil pentru toate serviciile necesare legate de programe TV online şi prezentări de emisiuni pentru mass-media. Echipa este prietenoasă şi dedicată şi înţelege necesităţile companiei noastre, ceea ce este esenţial pentru noi, în calitate de canal nou, în expansiune, pe piaţa de televiziune liniară. Preţuim foarte mult această relaţie şi aşteptăm cu nerăbdare să colaborăm şi la lansarea următoarelor emisiuni, pe măsură ce ne vom extinde la nivel global.