Friday, April 7th, 2017

Trace made history this week by launching the world’s first hybrid digital service, featuring live TV and radio, as well as streaming on-demand, dedicated completely to urban music and entertainment.

The app, known as TracePlay, has initially been made available in the United States, some parts of Europe, Africa and the Caribbean, with a further 200 countries set to follow by the end of the month.

Available in English and French across a range of platforms, it offers instant and unlimited access to 10 live music and sports TV channels, 31 radio stations and over 2,000 pieces of content on-demand.

Commenting on the launch of the app, CEO Olivier Laouchez said: “TracePlay has been our most ambitious project since our inception, and represents a unique opportunity to continue and accelerate Trace’s global growth.”


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Viacom International Media Networks

Najboljše pri sodelovanju z Global Listings je, da nam ni treba skrbeti za naše EPG-je. Ne glede na to, kako neredno ali z zamudo je izvorni dokument dostavljen, smo lahko prepričani, da bodo naši EPG-ji kakovostni in pravočasno dostavljeni našim kontaktom.

Insight, International

Odkar je Insight TV lansiral prvi program oktobra 2015, je bil Global Listings zaupanja vreden in zanesljiv partner za vse naše storitve EPG-jev in TV izborov. Ekipa je prijazna, predana in razume potrebe našega posla, kar je bistvenega pomena za nas kot nov, razvijajoč se kanal na trgu linearne televizije. Sodelovanje zelo cenimo in se veselimo nadaljnjega skupnega dela, ko bomo lansirali nove kanale in pustili pečat po vsem svetu.