Smithsonian Revisits the Atomic Age

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019

Smithsonian Channel will shed light on years of America’s history that were shrouded in secrecy and deception in ATOMIC AGE DECLASSIFIED, starting July 9th at 8pm. The three-part series takes viewers back to the Atomic Age of the mid-20th century, a time when there was excitement about the potential of nuclear planes, trains and automobiles, and private programmes were on a mission to identify the endless possibilities of atoms as an energy source.

But recently declassified materials show that America’s atomic dreams had a dark side, with paranoia and secrecy leading to many near-disasters and raising the question of how far America was willing to go in the volatile atomic race. The series reveals the key role of a military spy station in space, and examines the unlikely partnership between Hollywood and the US Government, as well as an 800-page World War III battle plan.


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