Zazie Beetz, Seth Rogen Enter The Twilight Zone On SYFY

Thursday, April 23rd, 2020

Have you been watching the reboot of classic anthology series The Twilight Zone, with Get Out and Us director Jordan Peele taking over from creator Rod Serling as showrunner and narrator? Well, the great thing about an anthology show is there’s no arc to follow, no plots wrapping up, so you can still dive in for one of the series’ highlights, the closing Blurryman (Tuesday 28th at 9pm).

Atlanta, Deadpool 2 and Joker star Zazie Beetz plays a screenwriter working on… Jordan Peele’s Twilight Zone reboot. But suddenly her episode, starring Seth Rogen (who appears as himself appearing in The Twilight Zone) is about her. And who is the mysterious blurred figure appearing in footage from every episode? It’s a tense, metafictional rollercoaster ride to stand alongside the classics from the original run.


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