Friday, March 23rd, 2018

Fox has been making steady progress filling out the cast of Danny Strong’s untitled legal drama, with Nikki M. James (BrainDead and The Good Wife) being the latest actor to sign on as a series regular.

The series (formerly known as Infamy) is set in a law firm that specialises in overturning wrongful convictions, following the firm’s team of justice warriors as they risk everything to prove their clients’ innocence after the fact.

James, whose credits also include a Tony award for her turn as Nabalungi in Broadway’s The Book of Mormon, will play Violet, the law firm’s communications director and the series’ female lead. She follows Mad Men alum Vincent Kartheiser, Rachel Lefevre (Twilight), Russell Hornsby (Fences), and other actors of both television and film renown, in coming aboard the project.

The pilot was written by David Elliot (G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra) and produced by Danny Strong in association with 20th Century Fox TV. Strong co-created the hit Fox series Empire, which premiered in 2015 and is now in its fourth season.


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