Accurate, on-time and localised translations
in any language combination


Global Listings is the market leader in TV translations, operating in 145 countries and 74 different language combinations on a daily basis

We utilise the talent and experience of our 25,000+ expert international language editors, who are based locally worldwide

Our unique approach means that we will match the translator to the language, the TV channel and the target market, offering our clients tailor-made translation solutions

Our international team of language editors can offer translations for all TV content, from short programme descriptions to longer-length highlights text, and of course the all-important series and episode titles themselves

Our competitive pricing policies and unique workflows ensure that our clients only pay per word translated, and never pay for the same translation twice

Please visit our sister site, Global Translations, for more details

What the industry says about us


The press schedules that we receive from Global Listings are very good, as is the overall service provided to us as publishers. We can always trust in the accuracy and efficiency provided by the Global Listings teams.

Deutsche Mailbox, Germany

We are really very happy with the service provided by Global Listings. The staff are competent and turn-around times for any queries are short. The data provided by Global Listings is always in the correct format, which means that it is easily ingested into our system without any delays or problems.